Is it true that Prick gave Tesla the idea of Resonant Solar Oscilation?

What happened when Tesla found Prick’s stash of Flying saucer Psilocybin mushrooms and ate the whole bag thinking they were probably snacks from the future?

Is the timeline where Tesla is ruined by Edison and JP Morgan just one timeline of many and does Prick visit Tesla during a more fully realized and accomplished timeline? How does the world look when Tesla is allowed to realize his ambitions?

Explore - use our expansion tools or create your own

We just put forward the raw ingredients. Cook up whatever you want!

here's A personal message from us, the PRICK Project team:

Participate and get involved, that’s the point. A base narrative exists for you to explore and expand. Energetic sovereignty is aligned with universal growth mechanics. TLDR of whitepaper: Energetic Sovereignty Philosophy = We are powerhouses of creation and when we understand this and participate in the act of building, output and creation, every things else is inevitable. All value is a byproduct of these forces. The law of the universe is expansion. We are components of that law.

Much (not all) of Crypto in its current form is a zero-sum game. Zero-sum games create energy vortices similar to black holes. Energy consuming energy. currently crypto produces little and consume a lot. Like trading - to win someone must lose. Inevitably most lose. Zero sum games are false battles for perceived finite resources. Like the current financial system. Winners few – losers many. This is contraction. Anti-life. Scarcity is an illusion. The laws of the universe favor expansion not contraction. Apples to orchards. The universe is proliferating and growing - always. Realign with these laws.

Gamble not. There’s no need. Say no to pain. Don’t participate in zero-sum dynamics. Fight not for the same bowl of food. Generate your own infinite supply. Use your innate potential. Output – Build - Create. See why true value is always as a result of the energy you imbue. All else is a derivative byproduct.

Crypto + Energetic Sovereignty = Freedom

Don’t punish yourself anymore. Enough. It’s meant to be fun, so flow and create. Align with the laws that govern all reality. You are more powerful than you have ever given yourself credit for. Try it and see.

To expand the lore and incentivize creation we’ve created further narrative anchors and a reward system.